Mother and daughter strike gold, as they become authors days apart.
When people have said a mother's job isn't easy, they weren't putting it lightly. Like many of us single mothers know, being a parent is...

Mastering your emotions with positivity
Our emotions play a very important role in our lives and sometimes if we haven't mastered what triggers them, it's very hard to control...

When doing your best is not enough
Have you ever felt at some point in your life that you've been going around in circles doing the same old thing on a daily basis and you...

Have you ever reached that point in your life where you're so tired, that not even sleep can revitalise your body? Reason being that your...

The Sounds of the Clock
Have you ever wondered what it's like to hear a clock clicking in your ear constantly? Tick-tock, tick-tock. Knowing that every second,...

What is the meaning of a balanced life?
I can honestly say that the best of us can find ourselves lost on our own journeys in life without realising it straight away. We lose...

Is raising a man as easy as it seems?
They say parenting gets easier as children get older, but I can honestly say that the job of a parent becomes more challenging as your...

How to find 'the one'?!
Many people, who have been single for some time, often question the reason why they are still single. Is it due to the fact that they're...

Is rejection a blessing in disguise?
Being in a strong, committed relationship is every couple’s wish, but not always things work out, due to life’s struggles, lack of...

Do you really know who you're dating?
A friend of mine asked me the other day if I had a motive when it came to dating? Unsure of how to respond I replied, 'Well no, it...